Dedicated Hosting

Control your neighbourhood!

Have your own virtual server, fully managed.
Get all the resources you need!

Core Features

From € 14,99/mo.

Order now!

Choose Control Panel

Select from these popular control panels
Hestia Hestia CP - Free!
Plesk CP (€ 8,99/mo.)
CPanel (€ 19,99/mo.)
Dedicated Ip hosting

Dedicated IP

Each package comes with 1 dedicated IP number.

Use it with up to 32 domains, all by yourself!
Hosting with Let's encrypt certificate

Free SSL certificate

Get a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate out of the box.
(Or bring your own!)

FTP Access

sFTP Access

Access your files with FTP and secure SFTP.

SSH Access

SSH Access

Get full control over your websites. Work remotely using your own SSH access

MySQL database


1 MySQL database is included in all packages
On top of that, you get phpMyAdmin preinstalled for easier management

Data traffic


1 Terabyte traffic - for the demanding business website!

Data traffic

SSD Disk space

50 GB SSD storage will keep you covered, even if you prefer large pictures...



get 25 Mailboxes and 50 email addresses with your package. Upgrade on request!



With each package, get 10 days of backups, stored remotely, for maximum safety!

Stay in control

Avoid bad neighbours

Our Dedicated package comes with a dedicated IP for your own virtual server.

That means that you don't have to worry about shady websites next to yours, destroying your reputation or even limiting your bandwidth.

And what's more - you can have up to 5 websites with different domains on your server with the smallest configuration.

Combine this with all the amenities of a world class managed hosting service and you have the perfect deal for a great hosting experience!

And should things ever go wrong - our support is there for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have more than one IP?

IP numbers are becoming rare, so we can offer extra IP numbers if you have a good reason for it.
However, for your websites you will normally not need separate IP numbers. If you don't want the worls to know that your websites run on the same IP you can use a DNS service like cloudflare which perfectly obfuscates your IP.

Please don't.
Our dedicated hosting servers are optimised for exactly this - web hosting.
Game servers typically need more CPU power, so you are better off getting your own root server for this purpose.
However, we can certainly help you with findgin the right one and set it up!

This depends on the size of your dedicated package.
In the base version, you can have 5 websites that can serve up to 10 domains.
With the biggest package, you can host 32 websites serving up to 64 domains.
We can of course extend your package if need be. We always try to find the best solution for your purposes, so please contact us.

CPanel changed their licensing structure a while ago to an account based model. Now you pay per account and IP.
Since they fail to offer reasonably priced single domain licenses this is the result
We know many people like CPanel for its simplicity and because that's what they are used to.
However, we suspect this won't be the last unpleasant surprise we get from them so we stringly advise to take a look at Plesk (more affordable) or Hestia CP. The latter is totally free and is actually covering almost any need

* CPanel installations will cost an extra fee of 2.99/month (3.30 when paid monthly)
Plesk Logo by Laurarosagob - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo 2 by fauxels
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